Monday, June 27, 2011

our two year old...

maxwell joseph hicks...

i can't believe you are two years old! at your visit with you doctor, you weighed in at 38 1/2 pounds and measured at 36 1/2 inches. sometimes i think back to day 8 when you came out of your small, so fragile, so helpless...and i am amazed at the big, strong, healthy boy you are today. sure, your breathing is still noisy and there is still more to come to fix that but i have faith that it'll all work out just fine.

you are so very smart. you can communicate so well and are able to tell us what you need most of the time. you know your alphabet and your colors. you can count to 15 consistently and sometimes try to get to 20. you love music, dancing, and playing instruments. your favorite toys right now are your basketball hoop, dinosaurs, and cars.

you go to bed around 8:30 and wake up around 7. you still are taking a good nap everyday and that makes momma and dada very happy. your naps range from 1 1/2 hours to sometimes even 4! you are a good eater. some of your favorites are bagel thins with cream cheese, blueberries, yogurt, peas, tomato, green beans, banana, and pancakes.

you love to read books and have so many of yours memorized. you like to read on your own and with others. your favorites are probably "i love you stinky face," "goodnight moon," and "llama, llama, red pajama."

you give great hugs and kisses, you like to comfort others when they are sad, and you love to initiate "family hugs."

we are so blessed to be your momma and dada. you make us so happy and we look forward to so many more years as a family.


victoriaannmartin said...

He is the most wonderful little boy!!

the lewis gang said...

so sweet, kelly!! i love writing letters to them on the blog...something they will always treasure. he weighs more than jackson! good, strong boy!!