sunday we celebrated
max's 2
nd birthday with friends and family at our blues clues party!

the set up.

the loot.

the back deck.

the guests.

the cakes.

the blowing out of the candle.

the licking of the candle.

the first bite.

the licking of the cake(?).
so many of
max's favorite people joined us to celebrate his birthday. he is such a lucky boy to have so many people that love him so much!

teddy got some cuddle time in with baby

we moved inside so that max could open his gifts.
max got so many thoughtful and fun gifts.

austin, there's a dragon on your head!

trying out his new guitar from
dada and momma.

max loved playing with the balloons.

after the guests left, the party hats became horns.

here are the blues clues characters that i made for the party. from left to right...
mr. salt,
mrs. salt, and shovel and pail!
it made me smile that max knew who all of them were supposed to be! :)

max says "thank you" for all of the awesome presents!
we had a wonderful time and we are so glad that so many people came to celebrate with us.
That was a great party Kelly! You did an wonderful job...
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