all he got to eat that day was some orange jello and 2 cups of apple juice.
his procedure was scheduled for 12:15 and we were supposed to arrive at 10:45.
at about 1:45 the anethesiologist came in to talk to us. she was followed by a nurse with max's "goofy juice." i was all ready with the camera for him to be HILARIOUS. he was not. he just got really whiny. then, they took him back for the procedure.
drew and i sat in the waiting room and were surprised at how quickly the docs came out to talk to us. here is what they found. max has a partial obstruction in his upper airway from his tonsils and adenoids. sometime this fall he will have a sleep study done to determine if he needs to have them removed. in his lower airway, he has 80-85% collapse. the docs were surprised at how well he is doing in comparison to the level of collapse of his airway. surgery is not immediate but definitely not ruled out. his case will come before a large group of doctors and they will talk about the best care options for max.
1 comment:
what a trooper! they are so much tougher than us adults sometimes, aren't they? jackson had surgery when he was a little over 2 years. same thing happened. we had to wait about 2 hours longer than the time they gave us. luckily, he was busy playing and having a grand time. i was the whiny one who wanted to eat! :)
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