we had everything ready on sunday night to surprise our buddy on his birthday!
his new car was waiting, complete with a big red bow, and his elephant, buddy, in the drivers seat!
his snuggle buddies had their birthday hats on and were ready to CELEBRATE!
we woke him up by singing him happy birthday.
then he came downstairs to find his new car and immediately wanted to go outside to ride it!
he was in love!
we did some playing, had smoothies for breakfast and hung out in the backyard.
then we decided to head out to lunch and go play at a park.
we went to copper rock and it was yummy!!
how old are you now max?
we shared a delicious piece of strawberry shortcake!
after lunch, it was off to city park!

family picture at the top of the slide!
is my baby really 3? i can't believe it!
trying to master the web, just like spiderman! ;)
after a nap, we got ready to head to the evening's activity...a timber rattler's game!

first, it was time to open a present...airplanes!
and share a yummy piece of (store-bought) cake!
we had family and friends join us at the game!
max got to be the one to go down on the field and say "play ball" to get the game started!
it was awesome. i'll have to try to add the video later.
max and teddy watching

and being silly.
me and my 3 year old boy.
family shot! :)
baby audrey was able to model a tiny baseball helmet!
max posed in one of the race cars that they use for an in between inning contest.
and this baseball from the tratts helped us get through night #1 without the nuk!