Sunday, July 4, 2010

so thankful...

i was overcome with emotion today at mass.
i couldn't stop thinking about where we were a year ago....

a year ago yesterday was max's heart surgery.
and a year ago today was the day his lung collapsed and one of the most difficult days we had as a new family.

i remember sitting in the hospital room looking out the window, looking for some kind of hope, some kind of answer or sign that everything was going to be okay. i remember feeling so many emotions...sadness, doubt, fear...and thankfully also faith and hope.

as i reflect on the sights, sounds, and feelings of a year ago i am overflowing with happiness.
i am so thankful that our prayers were answered.
i am so thankful that today we are the parents of a happy, healthy, growing one year old little boy.

1 comment:

victoriaannmartin said...

Oh my heavens...I remember that day...things are meant to be right???