Monday, July 5, 2010

fourth of july weekend...

we spent the fourth of july weekend in door county at the cottage.
it was such a wonderful and relaxing time.

max got to crawl all over the place, play drums on everything, and spend time with our awesome family!
he found aunt linda's kitty first thing on saturday morning.

he was quite the explorer and as a result took some pretty great naps!

we spent lots of time on the beach watching the waves, playing in the sand, and finding treasures in the sand.

we ate some pretty tasty food. max had lasagna for the first time and loved it.
my family is full of people who know their way around the kitchen and max enjoyed it all!
this is one of his new "moves" and it just cracks us up!

what a happy little guy!


max had constant entertainment with hannah and teddy around.

me and my little man in our fourth of july shirts...teddy took the picture which is why we have no foreheads.

rain, rain, go away...

looking at the water with aunt linda.

the whole crew...

watiting patiently.

self-portrait of mommy and max.

one with teddy too!

we headed to a friends condo on the water to watch the fireworks.
max was a little whiney...i wasn't sure how he was going to do.
plus...he doesn't usually like loud noises.
so when people were setting off their small personal fireworks we were practicing saying "wow" and clapping.
he did great! he was mesmerized by the whole experience.

what a GREAT weekend!

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