Saturday, July 10, 2010

first boating adventure...

today max had his first boating adventure.
we went out with the lingnofski's, becky, nate, and leah.
daddy had two gigs today and wasn't able to go, so i made sure to take lots of pictures!

ready for action

but first i think i might need a snack

i'm just gonna help myself to some bunny crackers

jeff let max drive the boat

leah and jeb on the back of the boat

max played some ball with becky.

quite the view

here's proof that i was there too!

i love this picture

max was not loving his life jacket

here he is checking the water out with nate

the feet are in....

and he liked it!

look at that face

max and his godfather

swimming with becky


what a beautiful little boy!

i even got a picture with my favorite little guy!

abby had to carry jeb too and from the shore so he could go potty.

max's first swimming lesson

all of a sudden it started to rain. nate was the only one left in the water.
If you look closely you can see the raindrops hitting the lake.

a day full of action equals one pooped out boy...and he was in bed sleeping by 7:20!!!

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