Thursday, June 24, 2010

a year ago today...

a year ago today, i received a phone call requesting an appointment.

a year ago today, i had a feeling that something was in the air.

a year ago today, i had a visitor that would change our lives forever.

a year ago today, a mother had the courage to ask drew and i if we would be open to adopting her unborn child.

a year ago today, we stayed up for hours crying, laughing, praying, hoping, doubting, questioning, and dreaming.

a year ago today, we became parents and we didn't even know it yet.


Amie said...

Thank you for bringing Max into my life. I didn't know it was possible to love someone so much!!!

Anonymous said...

How did we ever exist without him? Drew and Kelly, you are amazing parents and Max is one very lucky little man! Love you all....Mom/Grammie Randi

the lewis gang said...

that is beautiful, kelly!