Friday, June 11, 2010

irish fest...

we decided to chance the weather forecast and head to oshkosh for irish fest tonight.
the rain held off for most of the evening...we only had to spend about 30 minutes or so under a tent to stay dry.

we were able to listen to a few irish bands, eat some sort-of-irish food, and of course drink some irish beer!

max and daddy (notice their arms are in the same exact position)

mommy and max

he was getting a little restless in the stroller, so we had to do a little walking around.

daddy's turn

look at that chunky little foot!
then we made our way to the cultural tent and decided we had to take our pictures with these cut-outs!

max the leprechaun

daddy the irish dancing girl

and mommy the warrior
it was fun to spend some time together and have a family outing.
i think that this is just the first of many nights like this for our family!

1 comment:

victoriaannmartin said...

Max looks like he has "Froto" feet like Grama....