Sunday, June 6, 2010

pictures from the weekend...

we had a busy but relaxing weekend in the hicks household.

friday night was neenah high school's graduation.
i got to go and celebrate the accomplishments of some of my youth go kids!

saturday drew, max and i went to a graduation party.
then max and i had planned to go grocery shopping and go ready to load up into the car and i realized it was pouring. so we called the stachowiaks and went to hang out with them for awhile.

sunday we all slept in until was amazing.
after breakfast we leashed up the dogs and went for a great walk.
we had a laid back afternoon and ended up at grama's for dinner.

yes, that would be our little explorer wanting to climb the stairs...

i'm sure it won't be long until he's stealing daddy's change!

chasing the dogs

check out the post-bath wavy hair...too cute!

he was too into his cracker to look at the camera.

playing with mommy.

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