Sunday, July 19, 2009

emergency baby shower...

today some of our family and friends came together to throw us a "emergency" baby shower. (a huge thanks to mom, denny & diane, leslie and nancy!) there was lots of yummy food, great company and we got lots of goodies for our little man. we are so very blessed to have so many wonderful and caring people in our lives. we had a great time at my mom's house. the only thing missing was max!
i talked to the nurse today and he's doing great. i felt terrible that i wasn't going to be able to make it down there at all today. she assured me that we have lots to do if we're bringing home a baby on monday or tuesday! holy moly...monday or tuesday!!!! she told me that he had his car seat test and did good. the echo is still scheduled for tomorrow. drew and i will be heading down in the morning to spend the day with him at the hospital...hopefully for the last time.

i am excited, anxious, and nervous to bring him home. most moms have months to prepare, read books, and get advice...we've had exactly 24 days. so much has changed in the last few weeks for drew and i and the best is yet to come!


the lewis gang said...

read and get the book babywise. it has been my parenting bible. both of my kids are great sleepers (sleeping through the night at 8 1/2 weeks and 8 weeks respectively). they are so happy because they live on a schedule. it helps your baby become a part of the family and fit into YOUR life instead of you fitting in to THEIR life. it is fabulous! good luck! i hope he is able to come home soon!

Amanda said...

You and Drew will be amazing parents! I am so happy for both of you! I'll be praying that he gets to come home soon! Love ya!