Monday, July 20, 2009

well, maybe tomorrow...

we've heard, "well, maybe tomorrow" in regards to max's discharge quite a few times and we heard it again today. on friday when they told us that he'd most likely be able to go home after his echo, they left out a very important detail. and what was that detail...well, they'd have to sedate him and he wouldn't be able to be discharged until 12 hours after they gave the sedative. i can see how that might slip someone's mind when giving information to very eager and excited adoptive parents who really want to bring their baby home that has spent the first three weeks of his life in the hospital....all i have to say about that is...seriously? really? WHAT?

on a more positive note, they did do his echo-cardiogram this afternoon and everything went fine. the surgeon still has to review it, but the surgical p.a., mike, said it looked good to him.

so again, we are sad to report that little max is still in milwaukee. we sure hope he is home with us soon.


victoriaannmartin said...

This is the most incredible picture; he looks like he is praying to come home Kelly!

Grama V

Lori said...

He is a beautiful baby and lucky to have 2 very loving parents. Congratulations!


Darla said...

oooo....i just want to cuddle him!! He's too cute...and the fuzzy hair!!
