Sunday, July 26, 2009

day 3-4....

day 3 was a bit rough. he slept a lot at night and in the morning and then as a result, he was not at all interested in sleeping from 3-11.

i picked up the book "babywise," on the suggestion of a friend. (thanks janelle!) and now if i could only finish reading it! i got a bit read this morning and hope to get through most of it soon.

today we are going to attempt our first family trip out of the house. we're headed to a birthday party for my aunt diane and cousins hannah and teddy. here goes nothing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're welcome! it can be tough in the beginning with babywise. people think you are crazy waking your kid up from a nap during the day to feed them or waking them up at their "start time," without letting them naturally wake up, but it so totally works. by 2 weeks old my kids were only getting up once in the middle of the night. they'd go down 8/8:30 and wake up around 6:30/7, waking up once around 1 or 2 to eat and then right back to sleep. naps are much harder. in fact, darbi wasn't a napping champ until about 9 months old. if you ever want to talk about it, call me please. i have a ton of friends who have done it and i'm not sure i would've been able to do it without their support and suggestions. one note, both of my kids used/use a paci. the book says not to, but it's what worked for us. jackson gave his up before he was 2 and darbi will do the same. it's not life or death if they use a paci for a while. i have some sample schedules if you are interested. i can email them or facebook them to you. take care and keep loving on that little boy. he has no idea how blessed he is just yet... - janelle