we left with plenty of time. we were planning on stopping at our friends' house to hang out, have lunch, and change. we hit some serious road construction traffic and a closed bridge and added over an hour and a half to our trip.
we arrived at their house...quickly changed, grabbed a sandwich for the road, and drove to the church. we walked in minutes before the wedding party started down the aisle.
max did pretty good in church considering he had just been sitting in the car for way.too.long.
the ceremony was beautiful, the bride looked gorgeous, and i even got to hold my husband's hand during the mushy parts of the ceremony! :)

waiting for our turn to hug the bride and groom.

max was excited to meet "the princess." this is what he referred to her as the whole night. it was so adorable!

little man wanted to take our picture...he's got some practicing to do!
we headed to the hotel, got checked in, and went downstairs for the reception.

max enjoyed some yummy strawberry lemonade.

he enjoyed the
christmas pictures at the coloring table.

he also enjoyed sharing his dinner with his dinosaur.

me with my boy!

this cardboard tube was used as a horn, a telescope, and a baseball bat.

we attempted, and failed, at a self portrait.
after this we headed to the dance floor and got our groove on.
we danced to a few songs and then heard the announcement that the cake was being passed out.

now max knows that cake comes with birthday parties AND with weddings.
this makes max one happy boy!

the two most handsome boys i know!

after cake, it was right back to the dance floor for us. max was so excited to dance with
amanda. at one point he looked right at me and mouthed, "momma,
i'm dancing with the princess." how adorable can one person be?

at about 8:30 his dance moves transformed into just laying on the floor.
we knew it was time to tell him that it was about bedtime. we stayed for one more song then went up to our room.

in the midst of changing into pajamas and getting ready for bed, we realized we didn't get any pictures together...so here's one with my hubby.

and a quick family shot.
we were in bed by 9 and slept til 8:30. i don't know the last time i slept 11.5 hours. it was pretty amazing. after max woke up, he went right for the door and said, "i have to go back to dance!" :)
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