we were spending a nice, usual evening together.
we had dinner, changed a poopy diaper, and i quick ran into the kitchen to put his milk cup away.
instead he jumped up on the couch and proceeded to poop on it.
now, in his defense, i think the real culprit was daycare food and not him forcing one out on the couch.
so, i grabbed him and moved him to the tile floor. in that process two piles dropped on the floor. i was in shock. i had a naked baby standing on the tile floor covered in poop, poop on the floor and poop on the couch. i wiped off the kid, had him sit on the floor and proceeded to clean up the couch and carpet all the while hoping the dogs wouldn't come into the room.
i got things clean, bathed max, put him to bed, and had beer for dinner.
Oh my goodness, this is even funnier than when you told me the story on the phone!
beer for dinner!! hahaha!!! funny stuff!
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