we decided to take a small family vacation before drew started his new job.
we had been talking about going to chicago all summer.
so i booked a hotel and then we went....
monday we arrived in the city around 3:oo.
it was quite a fiasco getting the car unloaded, parked, and getting checked in.
but we managed to get it all accomplished.
after "settling in" we decided to walk around the city.

max was in awe of all the "wa" coming out of the fountain.

buckingham fountain.

max was busy pointing out all the birds.

max and daddy.

a really neat garden by one of the art schools on michigan avenue.

mommy and max.

max and daddy were being silly...they traded hats.

there was a set of really interesting fountains. these two fountains faced each other and random faces would be projected and every so often they would "spit" water out of their mouths.
well, it was HOT outside that day.
after a bit of walking, we decided to cool off inside of jamba juice and enjoy a smoothie!

daddy and max enjoying a peach smoothies.

look at that sweaty, red face!


he looks like such a big boy holding his own cup and drinking out of a straw!

some of the big buildings on michigan avenue.

the river.

daddy and max checking out the boats.

too precious!
we stopped at nike town.
i remember it being much more impressive when i was younger.
we looked around and max made some friends.

here's our little guy in training...football here i come!

then we stopped at the lego store.

max and godzilla.
after the lego store we made our way back to our hotel...the hilton chicago.
we noticed that the sky was getting dark.
we got in quite the power walk.
we made it back to our room with no issues.
after getting max ready for bed and waiting for him to fall asleep...
we enjoyed a romantic picnic on the floor! :)

our spread.

it might not have been sushi or a fancy restaurant...but it was still nice to have some time together.
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