as drew would say...we are a couple of good lookers in this picture!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
good lookers...
as drew would say...we are a couple of good lookers in this picture!
apple core...
new play area...
baby food...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
i survived...
celebrating "gotcha" day...
hannah, teddy, and max (in mid shout)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
introducing maxwell joseph hicks...

(here he is wearing daddy's name tag!)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
day 3 with daddy...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
7 months old...
max's uncle jason came over for a visit.
when i got home max hung out with me in the kitchen while i made dinner...homemade chicken noodle soup!
showing off hims gums...we're still waiting for those chompers to break through.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
and a vikings loss...
great weekend...
friday night drew and i went to a holiday party for the school where he just finished student teaching. it was fun to have a few hours out and to have some conversations with a few adults.
on saturday we took and impromptu trip to milwaukee with my mom. a little time at trader joes and h&m, lunch at the cheesecake factory, and we even got to hang out with drew's cousin trevor! after we put max to bed that evening we did some cleaning and organizing around the house. i hate to admit it, but we had christmas gifts that still needed to be put away!
sunday morning we went to church as a family and then headed to target. we had intentions of getting a new lamp for the living room and ended up buying a new tv too! we have been talking about it for a long time and it just kinda happened. drew is super excited about it!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
hanging out with mommy...
new socks...
and he got it...sweet success!