Monday, August 24, 2009

my 31st...

we had a great dinner at my mom's house to celebrate my birthday.

mom served up a delicious meal as always....grilled chicken sandwiches with a choice of yummy toppings, pasta salad, tomato and mozzerella salad, some kind of potato dish, and berry shortcake for dessert. thanks mom!

and thanks to all my family and friends who were able to come!
my wonderful and handsome husband
me and uncle denny
leslie and hayden

me and my little man

hayden's futures so bright he's gotta wear shadesbecky, me, and meredith grandma and her two grandsons

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

i thought about you yesterday, but was gone all day and didn't get a chance to facebook you. happy late birthday! looks like you had a great day celebrating YOU! take care!