yesterday we travelled to milwaukee for a clinic visit and check up for max and also for a little fun.
first we started with some shopping at trader joes, lunch at the cheesecake factory and a stop at h&m and barnes and noble. then it was time to head over to the hospital. max was a little anxious but we assured him that they just wanted to see how he was growing.
he had babycakes the puppy with him and was ready for the docs!
we saw pulmonary, ent, speech, and gi. they run these clinics so that the kids can see all the specialists at once. it's an overwhelming day but makes it much easier to take care of it all in one stop. we only really need to see pulmonary and ent...but since the systems are all connected, they all like to see him.
all the docs were really impressed with how max is doing, growing, and developing. we had a sleep study this past summer and they were concerned about his tonsils and were suggesting getting them removed. well, they are no longer a concern and appear much smaller. this might be attributed to the fact that he is doing so much better in dealing with illnesses. his last two colds were just colds...they didn't turn into anything respiratory, didn't affect his whole body, and didn't really trouble his breathing. i had also prepared myself to ask questions about what happens if he doesn't get better or his airway starts to limit him. i prepared myself to ask about the details of the surgery they would do. i got the information and was reassured that this wasn't something they were even considering for him at this point. our next visit will be in 6 months for another clinic visit. in addition to the clinic visit, the pulmonary doctor is going to try to do some breathing tests to get some measurable data going forward. this way we can then see how he is improving (or not) in the future. right now the only data we have are the videos from the bronchoscopes. they said that nothing warrants them to want to put him under to take another look at this time. we are just supposed to keep doing what we are doing and hope that he continues to improve and "grow out" of his airway issues.
it is such a difficult balance because we scrutinize everything and of course want nothing but the best for our special little blessing...but looking at the bigger picture he could have so many more struggles. every time we get ready for one of these visits i start to worry and doubt. i am always kindly reminded (usually by crossing paths with a beautiful child while at the hospital) of how far we've come and how blessed we are that he is doing as well as he is. thinking back to the tiny, little dragon baby that we held over 3 1/2 years ago who had to work so hard for each and every breath to this amazing, intelligent, wonderful little boy who finds joy in all aspects of life, loves to play and use his imagination and cares so much for other people...we have come so far and we are so lucky.
1 comment:
Way to go Max!!! So happy to hear this!!! Love Grammi
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