these boys were rambunctious at the restaurant...not wanting to eat, jumping around in the booth, it was quite the scene. so much so, that this is the only picture i got in the restaurant and it's not even a good one.
after we were done and uncle ryan enjoyed his free ice cream...and he managed to get it without the annoying singing of the wait staff...we headed over to let the boys run around the mall.
after a little bit of a vomit mishap...we walked with the boys over to the rides. i love max's face in this picture.
he normally only likes to sit in these things...but he had fun this must have been because he was with hayden.
after the boys got to play, the dad's wanted to play too.
let me tell you a little something about drew and ryan.... you know at the store when you are waiting in line and the aisles are filled with all kinds of random, useless items. well, drew and ryan are the people they put it there for. a perfect example...they both paid $2 to stand in this tube to experience "hurricane force winds." really $2 to have someone shoot air at you? wow.