we headed to
rhinelander, where drew grew up, for a little family get-away.

max did pretty good on the way there. we did our best to entertain him...at this point he was playing with my travel alarm clock. we checked into our hotel and put max down for a nap. while max was out, drew gave me a tutorial on my new
ipod. after his nap we picked up pizza and headed over to visit a
dan, friend of
drew's, and his family.
dan and his wife have an 8 year old daughter and two sons who are 3 and 21 months.

max was loving getting to explore through all of their toys.

max thought
katie was the coolest. she was doing an awesome job entertaining him and keeping him busy! we headed back to the hotel and i thought max would be out in no time.
i.was.wrong! i don't know if it was the new surroundings, being overstimulated from the playing, or what...but max didn't fall asleep until 11:30!
i tried everything to get him to sleep. it was so frustrating. but, on the positive side, he did sleep until almost 9am! the next morning after breakfast we headed to go swim in the pool. max was excited about it until we put him in the water.

he preferred to hang on the side of the pool with momma and throw the ball to
dada and

chilling pool side! (my new favorite picture of max!)

after pool time, we changed and headed into town for some lunch and family time. we ate at a little pub. it was great and max got to try blueberry pie for the first time! next we went to a bookstore and all three of us got a some new books!
max also got himself a blue dinosaur! we headed back to the hotel for a nap...well, a rest. there was no sleeping but he did relax in his pack n play for a bit. then we went to meet the cables and the
strongs for fish!

max got to take a bath in the huge jacuzzi tub. he didn't like the jets...but he did enjoy the giant bathtub!

bathtime, we snuggled up for a little blues clues! max got to try popcorn for the first time and loved it!

entertained himself with this (disconnected) phone throughout our trip.

i love him!

dada, and "the blue one."

are you almost 2? yes you are! :)

quick family photo before loading up in the car. we stopped to see
dan and the crew one more time before heading home.
ben was
cheezing it up for the camera. this little guy is a couple weeks older than max.
he loves his
nuks and also really liked drew!

max and will were modelling the bike helmets!

and here is some controlled chaos...trying to get 5 kids together for a photo! :)
we had a great trip home. max slept for 2 out of the 3 hours.
we got home and realized that our house/dog sitter had locked us out.
so...45 minutes and a locksmith later...we were HOME! :)
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