Sunday, January 30, 2011
celebrating "gotcha" day...
well, max decided he wanted to "take a little night-night" at 10.
he usually doesn't nap til 11:30-12ish at home.
so instead we made plans to meet at paradise island after school for ice cream.
it's a place with lots of inflatables...slides, bounce houses, and things like that.
max was pretty unsure for about the first 30 minutes or so.
he enjoyed watching these two little girls go down the slide.
we went down that about 5 times then he was pretty much ready to go.
it was a fun family adventure.
caught in the act...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
19 months...
you are strong willed, curious, so very smart, loving, and a rough and tumble boy.
you already have such compassion for show such concern when others are hurt or when you hear a baby cry.
you bleed "green and gold" are the best little packer fan ever. you love watching "the game." you cheer for touchdowns, call "first down" and get really into it!
you are full of love...and we love getting kisses and "nice touches" from you at all of the random and unexpected moments.
you amaze us with your count things and sometimes are right even though you often skip the number six, you know so many animals and the sounds that they make (my favorites right now are elephant, sheep, and turkey), you repeat EVERYTHING, and you have just recently started singing songs (twinkle, twinkle little star, old mc donald, itsy bitsy spider, and this little light of mine).
i don't remember if he went for a toy and lost his balance, if he backed into the island and just fell down, or if he just tripped over himself.
it doesn't matter how he got there...but max landed directly in the dogs water dish.
he couldn't have fit in there more perfectly if we would have planned it.
i was cracking up.
he was a little upset so i didn't get a picture of him in the bowl but i did manage to get this one once i removed his wet pants!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
superbowl bound...
we were ready to watch the packers play the bears and hopefully make it to the superbowl.
(mostly) fun overnight trip to milwaukee...
grama, drew, max, me, ryan, leslie, hayden, darla, and pam.
usually girls weekend is just for the girls...but grama got an extra room so the boys could come and play too. unfortunately ryan and hayden were running late and the
boys didn't get their play time...but max got in a good nap and dada got his schoolwork done.
the girls hit the mall and got some serious shopping and bargain hunting done!
momma said, "no buttons!"
and what was max's response.
max's new love is ketchup. he can't get enough.
and yes, the boys are wearing PINK little swimmers.
aunt diane works at kc and got these for us at an auction.
drew and i had to be on the road at 6am to get back in time for church and class.
dada and max time...
i work til 10pm every wednesday and they call it "boys night."
take max's LOVE for football + drew's new toy (the ps3) and you get this!
drew tells max to "get his controller ready!" and max plops in his chair and watches drew play madden while playing with his own remote.
hey now, hey now...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
our sweet boy...
change into pjs, get a little bit of playtime in, head upstairs, read books, and say our prayers.
the other night when we were saying our prayers, max added in a new name.
we always pray for dada, momma, maggie & libby (the dogs), then he'll add in various family members, his teachers and friends at school...whoever he saw or is on his mind for the day.
well, monday night he also wanted to pray for jesus. so sweet. it made me tear up a little bit!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
our saturday...
tell-tale sign...
it's a tell-tale sign that max is getting sleepy when he plays with the ribbon on his "ming."
he was snuggling with daddy and i just think it's too precious when he does this!