we've been a little stir crazy lately and the cabin fever was at an all time high. it was time for a girls weekend.
max was relaxing in his chair and watching all the ladies enjoying their delicious food.
diane, darla, and pam.
we started off our excursion with a trip to trader joes and then lunch at the cheesecake factory.
we ventured to the mayfair mall for lots of shopping and in my case, bargain hunting.
my deal of the day...3 pairs of pants for work for less than $30!!!
we went to check into the hotel and then hurried down to the lobby for their free happy hour.

max and all of the girls....grama v, darla, pam, and meredith!here is proof that i was actually there...a self portrait of meredith and i.
here is max's reaction to the flash. he is just too much sometimes!
relaxing at the end of the day...max style!
relaxing at the end of the day...grown up style.
chocolate fondue and wine! perfect!good morning...someone looks ready for more!
we headed out to the brookfield mall for a bit and were back home by 2:00.
a great time with great company!
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