it was supposed to be nice today so we decided, depending on how max was feeling, we'd head to the new zoo in green bay. max woke up around 7:30 and said, "momma, i'm not coughing, i feel better, let's go to the zoo!"
drew had an early morning band practice so he coordinated a ride and we picked him up in green bay and we headed to the zoo.

max and his dada are best buddies!

there were peacocks everywhere. they kinda creeped me out.

the lions were really active. the male lion kept roaring. it was pretty cool but freaked max out a little bit and made him cry. we went from this view, to looking at them from behind the glass. that seemed to make it better.

max thought this duck had funny hair.

we checked out a badger. i was slightly worried about the glove in his area. hopefully it was dropped and is not the remnants of an all too adventurous toddler. :)

i love watching him explore.
by the way, he carried this monkey around with him the whole day. when we got to the monkeys he was showing his toy the exhibit and told him..."there are your friends!"

there was this bird house. lots of ducks, a buzzard, and an eagle. we actually went in this thing twice. there was so much action...i think that's why max liked it so much!

he thought this gorilla statue was hilarious.

my boys...and a creepy gorilla statue.

after we finished at the zoo, we headed to the car and enjoyed a picnic lunch in the back. it was a bit windy so we thought it'd be the a good compromise!