Wednesday, January 25, 2012

round two...

we hit the road at 6:30am to head down to children's hospital in milwaukee. max was scheduled to have a second bronchoscopy. his ent and pulmonary doctors wanted to take another look at his airway to see if there had been any improvement. i was up at 4:30...ugh. it was a LONG day!

max took a little snooze in the car. he just put his blanket over his head and was out!

max was such a good boy. he willingly let the nurse do all of her pre-op work...get his height/weight, take his temp and blood pressure, listen to his heart, etc. he even went pee-pee and poop on the potty at the hospital. (we aren't pushing potty training but are definitely working on it right now!)

max and dada were playing cars to pass the time. max lined them all up on his dada's leg. he cracks us up!

i got a great video of max after the "goofy juice" had kicked it. i have to try to figure out how to get it from my phone onto the blog...

the procedure went great. he was in and out in no time. the doctors came and got drew and i to give us their report. they didn't see any changes in his airway. there is still a portion of his lower airway that is still 80-90% collapsed. they did notice, once he was put under, that his breathing was that is good news. they also told us that his tonsils are huge. they want us to have a sleep study done in the spring to find out if they are contributing to his airway issue at all and causing any issues. if they find that they are, he'll have to have them out and if they are not, he'll just have huge tonsils! :)

he was a bit hysterical while coming out of the anesthesia. he wanted his mommy! :)
after some time in post-op, he was moved to recovery. we spent about an hour and a half there and then were released!

we stopped to check out this awesome aquarium and then went to have a snack.
max enjoyed some yogurt with bananas and drew and i shared a sandwich.

whenever we leave children's hospital, we take a picture by this yellow giraffe.
here is max with his da!

and a silly picture with momma!

we headed home and drew and max were asleep within 5 minutes! we made it back and spent the evening watching movies and relaxing! we made a yummy dinner and had smoothies after bath time!

i love this little guy!

here are my boys working on their computers at the end of the night! :) max always wants to play with our computer or "check his email!" (ha ha!) so we got him this little learning computer and gave it to him at the hospital. we used his christmas money from g-g and gramps! thanks g-g and gramps! max loves his new computer!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

fun day with max...

it was nice to have a day with nothing to do!
max spent some time playing guitar. he was singing maggie songs to "go to sleep" and then when she would close her eyes he would sing her a "wake up" song.

after his nap, he was in a GREAT mood. drew left for a gig so max and i made chicken quesadillas for dinner. they were yummy! he picks his food apart...i don't know why i even mix things together for him! :)

we played cars, took pictures with his camera, pretended we were puppies, swam in the "water," used the coffee table as a boat, and read so many books.

he is getting so tall and losing so much of his baby fat. i sometimes can't believe how fast he is growing!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

football fan...

our little guy LOVES football. he wants to wear his rodgers jersey everyday! we throw, run, and tackle all the time! he was super excited for the packer game last sunday. unfortunately our team wasn't victorious. he doesn't realize that the season is over. :(

he was so excited to try on grampa ken's packer coat!

before nap he was playing in the bin of winter hats and gloves and he discovered my old skiing googles. these thing are so old, that when he took them off, small pieces of foam were stuck to his face.

he lost interest in the game towards the end. he helped himself to drew's ipad. it's crazy to me that he knows how to turn it on and open it up to his "games!"

and a football post wouldn't be complete without some packer he is showing off raji's moves!

butter thief...

saturday we were hanging out in the living room. all of a sudden, jordan asks us, "why does max have butter?" max ran into the living room holding a stick of butter and so began a new game. he ran away giggling and we chased him to get the butter back. we put it away and thought that was that. again max grabbed the butter and brought it into the living room.
drew thought he was going to teach max a lesson. so he unwrapped the end and let max take a bite. and to his surprise, max said, "i like it." (gross.) drew then tried to explain that butter was not a snack and put it back in the fridge.
after a few minutes, i thought to myself, it's WAY too quiet. so i suggested that drew go look for max. and where did he find him...under the dining room table munching on the stick of butter. (again, gross.)
drew put it away again and in his mind, solved the problem. he was so proud of himself. he came to explain to me what he'd come up with. he took one of the cabinet safety locks and put it around the fridge handle and the freezer handle. (picture this everybody...) now, next time max would try to open the fridge to try to find the butter...he'd open the freezer door too! :) problem solved!

family fun friday...

friday was a pretty laid back day. we didn't have much on our list of things to do. max and i played and just enjoyed our time together.
max really had fun playing with his "tato heads" in the morning.

we had a great day. we are slowly taking potty training more seriously. i am happy to report that max used the potty 5 times on friday. so as a reward, we went out for ice cream after dinner!

me and my boy at paradise island!

i LOVE how max is looking at drew in the picture!

silly dada.

max picked out rainbow sherbert. he chose it right away. he really liked it. so much that his little face was coated in a sticky film and his hair was, well, a filthy mess. so, we headed home and our little boy went right in the bath.

he didn't mind one bit.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

oh maggie...

this sweet girl just makes me smile. she loves using the boppy pillow whenever she can. she got herself in this position with her ear sticking straight up. it didn't seem to bother her and drew and i thought it was hilarious!

little boy in a box...

max dumped out all of his train tracks so he could sit in this box. i don't even ask why anymore!



sleepover with h&t...

back in july we gave hannah and teddy the promise of a sleepover for their birthdays. so, we decided christmas break would be the perfect time.

drew and teddy started the evening out engrossed in technology. teddy on his ds, drew on his computer and both watching tv. gosh boys.

we ran around, played with max, and ha some snacks! then we decided to get our pj's on.

here is hannah all ready. monkey see...

...monkey do. notice the slippers on top of the footie pajamas! :)

after max went to bed we had some popcorn and played games!

max and hannah enjoyed some time in the tent in the morning.

after breakfast we broke out a craft. you can stick these things together with just water. they were not as fun as i thought they'd be, but they entertained them for a little bit.

max made a spoon and pretended to eat the gross colored water that was in the bowl that we used to stick the things together.

teddy made a really cool airplane.

hannah made some letters and tried to make a house.

max took these bowls and put them on his and teddy's heads. he said, "we are kings, let's go see baby jesus." then he took teddy by the hand over to the nativity set. so sweet.

while max was napping, drew and teddy got out all of max's thomas train sets. they created a huge set up. it was awesome. hannah used one of max's microphones to "interview" them about their work and the construction of the tracks. it was great!

the dogs enjoyed their visit. they got extra snuggle time and lots of play time too!

thanks for coming over h&t! :)

2nd christmas celebration...

we headed down to celebrate on christmas day with drew's family.
the kids (ages 3, 2, and 1) were so excited to open presents! i think the big kids were excited too!

max was beyond thrilled for this rock-n-roll guitar and microphone from aunt amie!

he played with it all night and for days once we got home! great choice amie!

drew and i both got some really nice things. we had a great party and were so entertained by lucas, max, and taygen running around the house and playing. this is what the holidays are all about. spending time with family, having fun, and enjoying each other's company!