here is max with his new elmo stuffed animal.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
saturday-wednesday = fun with grama...
Friday, March 18, 2011
busy week...
i had a few grants to finish up at work.
we had our annual meeting and awards ceremony on thursday and recognized 74 of our youth!
and to top it all of...we are leaving for kentucky in the morning.
i'm not quite sure i'm ready to leave max...but he gets to stay in his own house and spend quality time with grama, amie, and grammi (and maybe austin too).
i have already instructed my mom to take lots of pictures so i'll have lots of blogging to catch up with when i return. sorry for the lack of posts this week and the slow week to come.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
baby johnson...
play doh...
(by the way thanks for the play doh grampa mark...this is one of the things that we got max with his christmas money!)
he just sat there and held onto the chunk of play doh.
baby glow worm...
if you ask him what his baby's name is, his response is "baby wee-um (liam)."
friends of ours have a new little baby named liam.
he and max are destined to be good buddies!
reading with dada...
Monday, March 7, 2011
warning-serious bragging ahead...
i can't get over how smart this little guy is!
for example...
the letters at the top left of the puzzle are the only 5 that he didn't correctly identify tonight when we were playing with this puzzle. and with the "c" and the "d" he got too distracted with the pictures on them!
we have been singing songs and he picks up on the so quickly. he knows "itsy bitsy spider," "twinkle, twinkle, little star," "ring around the rosie," "baa baa black sheep," "mary had a little lamb," and "you are my sunshine." sometimes we will hear him singing them to himself while playing or riding in the car. he is just too precious!
he is getting better with his colors. for awhile, everything was "green." now he can usually identify green, red, blue, yellow, and purple and sometimes orange and brown.
he can count to 11 and sometimes makes it to 14. he loves to count things around the house or the stairs when going up for his bath.
he can finish the sentences to most of his books by adding in the last word or two. and the other night for the first time he did the same thing during our "angel of god" bedtime prayer. it made this momma tear up a bit.
mr. max, you are a smartie pants and we are so proud of you!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
saturday fun-day...
i didn't bring my camera...frankly, it would have been in the way of some serious shopping.
i found some amazing deals for max, drew, and even for me!
after getting home and taking a nap, it was play time!
the interrupter...
usually he just talks, sings, or rolls around until he falls asleep.
friday night he screamed...for momma, for dada, for anything other than sleep.
so dada went and got him and brought him down.
he was eyeing up our nachos but didn't like that there was cheese, beans, and peppers on the chips. he was picking the black beans off of the chips and eating them up!
" it," was his response so he dug in with the fork.