we had a spur of the moment cook-out at
grama's on
this is the first of many this spring/summer!
there isn't a reason needed for these...just time to get together and enjoy
grama's delicious cooking!
halfway through cooking the chicken...the grill ran out of propane. it was still yummy! that
grama can cook!

we got there early to help. max entertained himself on the kitchen floor.

chewing on his drumstick.

look at that bottom lip...too funny!
i'm pretty sure this kid's got great vision. in this picture he was reaching for a cat hair that was floating in the ray of sunshine!

seriously...no new toys for this guy. he was entertained with an empty water bottle for a good 20 minutes!

snuggling with

max and uncle
denny enjoying their favorite beverages!

teddy was nice enough to share his g.i.
joe with max.

teddy might want to think twice next time....or he'll have a headless g.i.
look at these two handsome guys!!! all ready to go home.