well, today's appointment didn't go so good.
max is coming down with a bit of a cold, so he is sounding worse than usual.
the ent doc checked him out, decided to put him on an antibiotic and a steroid.
her thoughts were, with his breathing issues, not to take any chances with things getting worse, and that we should do what we can to prevent it.
then she decided that he had some blockage of wax build-up in his ears. she wanted to clear it out because she likes to see what she is examining. okay, understandable, but isn't he there because of his airway??? so they swaddled him up and she took out the microscope and a sharp metal tool and started digging. at that point max started screaming. it was my job to stand by the nurse and help calm him. well, nothing was going to calm him down. i have never heard him cry so loud before. and they tried to reassure us with a "oh, this doesn't hurt." then tell me why doc is my baby turning as red as a tomato, sweating, gasping for air, and screaming at the top of his lungs?
well, after i picked him up and held him close to calm him down, she said to me, "well, let's do the other ear when you come back in 7-10 days. i don't want to aggravate his airway." WHAT??? i think that you already did that doc! she wants to see him again so that she can make sure that he is progressing...both from the cold and from his surgery.
our little guy had a rough day. he's doing okay right now. a bit wheezy and not his normal happy, go-lucky self...but he is doing alright. i'm just hoping that the antibiotics don't cause any issues (and that's a whole other story!)
please keep max in your prayers as i have two babies to take care of. drew is home from school for a few days with a virus!